
#38: Getting Unstuck: Conversation with Imrana Kazam


Welcome to a new episode of the Coaching Hive podcast with Dr. Moira. I am so excited that you are back with me this week for our really interesting conversation with coach Imrana.  Imrana has been a coach for several years, and I love the way she combines her physical training with her health coaching background and how it all comes together. I love the unique outlook she has,

and you can hear her even talk me through some of the challenges that I experienced in my own mindset surrounding exercise. So I hope that you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed having this conversation with Imrana.

Conversation with Imrana

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I’ll go ahead and jump right into the conversation. It was a great one. So I just want to thank you so much for sitting down with me today. It’s a pleasure. I know we have worked together in the past, but it’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to reconnect and I’m excited to hear just a little bit more about what you’re doing with health coaching. So would you share just kind of where your journey has taken you recently, Recently? 

So I have decided that besides doing the private coaching, so I do fitness coaching as well as the health coaching. And usually most of my clients, they, they, they want both and ultimately in real life you kind of need both right to be successful. And so, but I find that I also just want to make sure I’m in touch with the community. So I work at a local gym and then I also kind of just, you know, kind of do like little group sessions as ad hoc as people, you know, want them, if I meet them in a social setting or something, and they’re like, oh, okay, you do this. All right. Let’s, you know, kill me, kind of get together and do like a short exercise, a group class or something like that.

So when you kind of mentioned people coming up to you in social settings and developing those ad hoc groups, what are they wanting right now? It’s really that social aspect because they’ve been missing it. So the one-on-one coaching, but like many people are still doing it, but there are, there’s a whole different group of individuals who are really seeking that, that group feeling.


So a lot of people are interested in a group classes. So it’s that group of individuals who also, they want to get back into like having group events. And they’re missing that. That’s such a double, double opportunity there because you get the group kind of aspect of it. You get that social need fulfilled, but you also get to deal with your health and well-being at the same time.

So that’s perfect. Especially as things start to open up a little bit more and we start to move back toward, I guess, a new normal, whatever that kind of is depending on where you are, but having that opportunity to connect and also at the same time, take care of yourself. What a neat, neat chance. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it’s, even though the, when you do physical fitness, it’s supposed to be a mood lifter. Right. But it’s just not enough anymore just doing that by yourself. So there’s that psychological aspect, right. Psychological and social aspect. So those needs also need to be met in order to kind of goose that mood even more. Yeah. That makes me think of the wellness wheel with all of the different components of wellness and really,

Really Yes. Because it’s not just about you’re right. It’s not just about getting out and walking or biking or swimming or running, whatever it is. It’s about all of the other stuff that makes us healthy. It’s not just the movement. Yeah. It’s having those conversations with individuals, however short, they are in those, in those type of settings.

It’s So yeah, you were saying it’s, it’s really nice to have that opportunity, even for those small conversations, even when they’re short, they can still be kind of more meaningful. Yeah. Thinking about the fact that you have clients coming in, they’re saying, okay, I need this group aspect. I need to really incorporate the social side of things.

Again. I need to get healthy. I need to be well, what are some of the things in addition to typical normal physical fitness, are you finding that they’re doing or that maybe you’re talking about in those groups for just taking care of yourself in terms of self-care so doing something just for you. Yeah. So everybody’s different and everybody’s life is structured differently.

Everyone’s got a different phase in life, as we were talking to your kids who are younger liner, much older. And, but in the end, I mean, I, I personally tell the clients that you kind of have to catch yourself earlier, prior to you go, go going right. And I’m not sure it’d be a little bit more preemptive and say to yourself,

ask yourself, so how important is this? Right? Like it’s something really dire and awful gonna happen if I continue to rush for this, whatever this event or thing is, you know? And, and ultimately we might in my head use for myself, it’s something you’re going to get die. Somebody really going to die right now. You know? So those,

so I kind of put that out there to clients and really it comes down to you. You just need to ask yourself soon enough so that then you’re not in that frenzy of trying to get something done. I love that concept. One of the things I was talking with a colleague not too long ago, and we were talking about how we used to be go,

go, go, right? And then COVID hit everything shut down. And we had that opportunity to step back and say, oh, I don’t actually need to go to Costco every weekend. Not, not that, not that I’m speaking from experience or anything, but you know, really evaluating what do we really need to do? And what is just something that we were doing kind of mindlessly.

And I wonder, you know, you brought up being preemptive and I bet now is a great time to really tackle that strategy of being preemptive. Because before we get back into the full go, go, go swing of things. Now you can actually say, wait a minute, I’ve gone a year and a half without this. Do I actually need it?

Or do I need to go do this? And maybe the answer is no. Exactly, exactly. Maybe the answer is no. And it’s okay. So, so, so now the next thing I tell people or recommend to them is really that after asking yourself that question is hard for people to say no to other people and sometimes even to, to themselves,

you know? And so it’s, well, then the next step is you have to give yourself permission. You’re allowed to say no, right now, does the word no. Have to come out of your mouth, say no, in so many different ways. Right. And it can be as simple as say, Hmm, let me think about that.

Can I get that to you? I really have to look over a few things, you know, my schedule and everything. Can I get back to you? And then when you get back to somebody, you can, you can politely say, well, I had XYZ commitment, right? And you don’t necessarily maybe even have to say what the commitment is.

The more minimalistic, the less you’re going to get caught up in talking yourself or making yourself feel guilty. And then talking to yourself back into doing what you were trying to say, new risk place, right? Yes. Yes. It’s so easy. We start, we have that guilt, right. So we have to release the guilt first and saying,

no, not everything has to be done. And I don’t have to say yes to everything. And yeah, there there’s a lot of I’ve talked myself into things after I’ve started to say no. And then I, and explain, and then I realize, oh man, maybe I just say yes. Yeah. Yeah. Because sometimes when you start trying to explain in your head,

you’re just, oh my God, this is so lame. Or to this person, maybe there’s this thinking, this is so sad and pathetic, like, and then guilt, like I’m saying no to them over this thing, you know? But the thing is, you know, if you did some sort of ranking of what’s important, right. I don’t know,

like urgent right then, but again, it’s not focused towards what’s important urgent for someone else. Is it important and urgent for you because then that requires your immediate attention, like right now versus it’s important, but it’s not urgent. So that’s a completely different bucket. And that’s where we talk about the whole long-term planning. Right. So then yes, it’s important.

Isn’t it is an important thing, but it’s not dire that I get it done now. So that means I need to get better at planning for that so that I’m not stuck in this phase of figuring out, oh, I got, I got to get it done now, but wait a minute. No, I don’t see. You’ve already made that assessment.

That that type of situation is in this bucket over here where you need to do it, but not right now. Yeah. So, so if you’ve already had it figured out, parse things out in your head, kind of figured it out, then your decision-making is like so quick. Ooh. So are you a planner? I am a planner. I am a type a to the was news.

So What, what do you kind of do? I mean, I know what works for me, but I’m curious to know what works for you in, in terms of you just talked about getting clear on the, I have to do these because they are just kind of life and death. They have to be done versus the other stuff that’s important, but not so urgent.

So how do you go about doing that? Do you have a system? Oh, that’s a good question. Is there really a system? I think it’s, it’s not a, it’s not a hard line system, right? Everything is fluid. So you still have to keep in mind that even though you’ve put things into certain boxes, right. But those things can always shift and they can,

it just depends on what’s happening in your life at the time. Right. You do have to constantly review re review Reyes best. So really that’s what it is, but what I like to do, cause I’m still old school, even though we have all this technology and I could go and make task lists and Googled, I get forgotten. I can make little check boxes in my phone,

on my notepad. That will be forgotten. But if I have a piece of paper that’s floating around that I can visibly see, that seems to work the best. Like I’m the most efficient when I write I’m old school too, I have a, I have a paper planner. I do the same thing. Or I carry around a sticky note that Sticky notes.

Yes. And somebody sometimes I don’t want to throw them away. Something was on there. Did I really finish that? I moved like sticky notes around. I know, like on my wall, so one, you have to be fluid, right? Life is fluid. So these, these tasks or goals are, you know, mini. So I kind of break it down to like,

what’s your major goal? What’s coming to go. What’s your micro goal. Right. But maybe there’s a national goals some days. And as long as you’re not going to get so upset at yourself because you didn’t finish, you know, the goal, well then maybe it was too big. So you need to break it down even more to the next step.

Right. So whatever it may be. So if I give like a fitness example, right. People like to lose 40 pounds. Right. And that’s what I did about four or five years ago, I gained so much weight over a span of years working in corporate. And then I lost 40 pounds, but it took me about year and a half to two years to do it.

Right. And now, you know, I’m in a flow where I understand the nutrition. I don’t really have to weigh things as much anymore. Like I can eyeball things. I know what a portion size looks like. I know what a hundred grams looks like a broccoli or a hundred grams of spinach, a hundred grams of chicken. I don’t really need to weigh these things anymore.

But so, so as long as you’re fluid with everything, right then it’s, you’re not going to get depressed as much. Are you going to say, oh, okay. I just, I just, I can only do, this is part one of this task. Really. It’s not the whole thing, but at least I moved, you know,

from, I took a walk today. So back to my, sorry, my fitness example that went off track here, the fitness example is, oh, I need to lose 40 pounds, but wait a minute. So I can’t do that overnight. I didn’t get over it. Right. So then that’s the major goal. And then your, your,

your goal after that would be, it’s like, if you break it down, you’re like, okay, well then I need to do some cardio and then we need to maybe fix my nutrition, you know? So that’s your micro goal. And then what’s your mini goal? It’s like, well, okay. Maybe I need to do my, I need to break it down to cardio and strength training.

And then even further you can say nano, well, wait a minute. So maybe I can do my cardio on, on Monday and Wednesday and my strength training on Tuesday and Thursday. And you can just keep breaking it down because what kind of car do you, are you going to do? How many minutes are you going to do? Right. And let’s say,

you finally decide you’re going to do 30 minutes of cardio on Monday and Wednesday. Right. And you’re like, it doesn’t matter what I do. Whether it’s elliptical bike, the rope, pull the rope. It doesn’t matter. Just I’m going to do it. You get there. And then you’re like, this is the first time you’d been back at the gym.

And you’re like, holy smokes. I, I can’t do this thing for more than five minutes. I’m like huffing and puffing budding. And I that’s it. And then, but just say, you know what? I did five minutes. So that means a 30 minutes was too much. So, so you just say, okay, I do five minutes.

Next time I’m going to do seven. And you just gotta keep just adding on till maybe at the end of the month, maybe you can do 10 minutes. You can do 15 minutes. You can do 20 minutes or 30 minutes without feeling so much stress and pressure and sweating. So you’ll be able to manage the whole Well, and it’s less overwhelming.

It’s less overwhelming when you say, you know what? Yeah, maybe my goal was 30 minutes, but today, today it was five. And I’m so proud of the fact that I did five minutes and I showed up and allowing for that fluidity, I love that concept of fluidity with your goals and with your planning. It’s easy to forget that. Yeah.

Yeah. And the other thing I kind of think about when, you know, you’re saying, okay, I’m going to do this. Right. And okay, I’m not going to beat myself up. If I can’t do the 30, I’m going to do whatever I can. Right. And let’s say that ended up DB the five minutes, right. Then persistence.

Then you have to still be persistent after that. Right. You, you do have to get yourself back in there and say, I’m aiming for five. Cause that’s why I finished last time. But if I can do a little bit more, I’m going to take a deep breath and reassess in the middle of doing this cardio, can I make it some stuff?

And you know what? I feel good at seven. Well, you know what, maybe I’ll just see if I can make it another minute, another minute. And the next thing you know, maybe you did 10 minutes that day and time that you went back. So you just have to be persistent, native reinvesting in the, in the middle of while you’re,

you know, while you’re doing it. And then yeah, you, you accomplished something. You should pat yourself on the back. So nothing wrong with taking small steps. The small steps are how you get there. That’s how you get there. And I, and by doing that one thing that sticks out for me as you are releasing any kind of guilt,

you might be assigning to yourself for not hitting that 30 minute target, you’re saying, well, I made it to five and I kept going when I felt good, instead of just stopping I persisted. And I did a little bit more. And then I did a little bit more and that, you know, think about that snowball effect of not just the time you’re working out,

but the self-efficacy and the self-esteem that pulls out of that experience simply because you’ve given yourself the chance to take it on your terms versus some societal or even some self-imposed goal that may not be right for you just yet. Exactly. Exactly. So the other thing that comes to mind now that we’re talking is the internal dialogue. So I talked about reassessing, right?

So technically that is that internal dialogue that you’re having as you’re, and maybe you don’t even realize it. Right? So again, that goes back to catching yourself, having that internal dialogue, right. Or knowing that you’re already having some sort of negative internal dialogue where you’re trying to talk yourself out of doing something, which is good for you. Right.

So you’re talking yourself out of getting in the car to go to the gym because you are on the couch and you don’t want to get up to get changed. Right. So you, so, so then you’re like, well, I’m just going to stay on the challenge. Are you in the car? Let alone the gym, getting the clothes on your back.

And so, so why, why didn’t you have your clothes on? So you have to catch yourself sooner next time. Right? Let’s say that, that was, that was a loss you just gave into that account. That was a loss. Cause you didn’t catch yourself sooner. So next time now, you know, that’s, you’re going to be your hang up and you need to catch yourself with the clothes instead of the clothes are not the issue and the reason anymore,

why I’m getting in the car. Yup. I learned that early on. I made a post a couple of years ago. I think at this point I said, I have my sneakers on the reason I have my sneakers on is because if I don’t put them on, I won’t go walk. But if I put them on at the beginning of the day,

then it’s not an issue of getting changed into my walking clothes. I already have them on. And if I look at my feet and I see my sneakers and I haven’t walked, I think, Aw, come on. Just go walk. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So right there. Right. So you’re having that internal dialogue where you’re like, you’re trying,

you’re like, come on, just go walk. Right? Okay. So this is the other thing I caught myself doing, which was, and maybe I think a lot of people do this, which is the dialogue you’re having with yourself internally is very, you’re talking to yourself in a mean negative way to motivate yourself, to go do something good for yourself.

Right. You’re like, oh, come on. What’s your problem? Oh, what’s the hangup period already give me a break. Right? You’re talking to yourself like that. Right. Versus saying, wow. You know, I did good. I actually got my shoes on for this reason. Okay. You know, I really need to go and go for this walk.

You can do it. I can do it. Let’s go. Let’s go. Don’t think about it anymore. Stop talking to yourself. Rock. Right. And then I would, I would add points. I would tell myself like, don’t think about it. Just do, just don’t think about just to do that’s it. Stop talking to yourself. Just do it.

That’s it. Our words are powerful. Yeah. They can talk a, certainly talk us out of something pretty quickly. Yeah. So there were quite a few clients I spoke to about that as if your internal dialogue, like if it’s negative, meaning to flip it around and start talking to yourself a lot more nicely because in the end, no one else is going to do it for you.

No one can make you walk, but also no one else is going to come up to you and say, oh, Moira, really? You got your shoes on don’t you. And you should go for that walk, like do that. Right. You should do that for yourself. Mary did such a good job. You got your shoes on. Let’s go.

Come on. Yep. We’re this far ourselves, right? You’re you’re talking to yourself. Third person. Ooh. Oh my goodness. You’re right though. And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said it to myself and it’s just shifting that internal dialogue and catching it when it starts, but also recognizing that takes time to,

Yes. That takes time To reframe that. And to even just notice it as it’s happening, because for many of us, when we get to adulthood, it’s so ingrained, we get so busy that we don’t stop and realize what’s actually happening. Yeah. And so going back to what you were asking, like, how do you, you know, being type a,

how do you get organized? You know? So we were talking about writing things down, right? So when, when it comes to this, it’s like you have to go back to the beginning. Right. Which is, okay, so now I’m talking to myself nicely, I’m catching myself sooner. Right. And so I can, I succeeded in doing this,

this task. And now I know that I can do this this way. And so in terms of the buckets and the lists that you may write, you, you can maybe even break your list down and say, this is a thing. Maybe it’s not a hardcore written down, oh, this is the thing I’ve done before. Right. But if you have a piece of paper,

break it up into sections or call loaves and you’re like, well, this is the one that I’ve done before. And it’s going to be easy for me to get this done. Right. This is going to be a little bit more challenged. And in this column, that’s all brand new to me. And so I may need to go back to figuring out what’s a major goal,

my Pearl mini nano. Right. And then, you know, wow, okay. This I can do without even thinking, right. Because it’s a habit. Now, this thing I’m sort of in the middle of still working that out, and this is all brand new, and this is gonna take a lot more effort, right? So you can break your list down that way for even like your daily,

daily chores or daily tasks that you want to do. Because again, everything in your life, that’s your life, that’s your lifestyle. And everything needs have some sort of hierarchy. And, and I know everybody likes to be number one and at the top, but not everything can be at the top because you’re never going to get anything done. You’re going to basically burn yourself from both ends.

And that’s not here. A lot of people they’re still stuck in that mode of burn yourself from both ends. Especially, unfortunately, even though I think COVID gave some time and space to you because you didn’t have to do maybe the work commute anymore, but because you didn’t have to do the work commute, the default was like, oh, well, I’ll log into work earlier.

And then you would never even get off on time. And you would still be on when you should technically have been commuting or home by then, or actually working longer hours in any situation. And a lot of conversations that I heard. Oh yeah. Yeah. Just having those good boundaries and having a set space set aside for your work and knowing when that time is to be in that workspace and then walking away just like you would going home from the office at the end of the day.

Yes. My husband, I both work from home. So we have very intentional spaces that are workspaces that we walk away from And Nope, Nope. It’s our workspace and that’s what it’s for. And then we walk away because otherwise you’re right. It kind of bleeds into every part of your life. Yeah, absolutely. So I hope that answered your question about the Wiz I did.

I love it. I think that’s so helpful to think about kind of self care from catching it in a couple of different ways to think about that internal dialogue, to think about assessing where, what buckets things go in, knowing that they might hot buckets from time to time and breaking it down, keeping it as simple as you can, knowing that you’ve got to take it step by step in order to make those big leaps forward.

You can’t, you can’t do it all overnight, Right? Yeah. It takes time to build a habit. And I don’t know where I read this some article probably years ago and it depends on the habit, but anywhere from three weeks to three months to build a habit. And I read research recently that it’s even longer than three months. Oh really?

Okay. Interesting. Yeah. So it depends what it is. Yes. And that was kind of, part of it was if it’s a really difficult habit. So if it’s something that’s not a part of your life at all right now, and it doesn’t necessarily slide into something you’re already doing, then it does, it takes even longer for it to become a true habit where it’s just part of your lifestyle and it doesn’t take as much brain power to say,

I’m going to do this right now because this is what my goal is. And this is where it fits. It just fits. Yeah. So it’s interesting to think about that. That it’s not an overnight thing by any stretch of the imagination. No. And so I’ll use one example was with my kids. If I look back on this thing, it’s so funny,

you know, I would try to introduce different fruits or food at mealtimes. Right. And the first response you’ll never guess what was the first response Moira? No, no. It grows And you know, I’m typing, but I’m also, I, the disciplinarian parents it’s it was always like, well, I took the time and effort. I washed it,

I cut it. I chopped it up cool with it or whatever it was. We’re going to take at least three bites. You only took one because they’ll be like, I’m done. I’m like, no, no, no. You only took what? Like I spent a lot of time, Three bites, Like three bites. And if it was something new,

like I’ll use avocado as an example, we’re going to be, I started Kado into the house that ends the, the response was like, Ooh. And now, I mean, this is me here years ago. Right. But it didn’t mean only about that. One took about three months, stayed up and did take three months. Some of the other vegetables or fruits,

they only took like three weeks, you know? Cause then basically I would have them every day or every other day, you know, for that length of time and be like, okay, you just have the one or the three slices or whatever it is. Same thing with Kado now they, I make a sandwich and it doesn’t have all the cars on it.

Where’s the condo. They want all Isn’t that so funny, But the two never you’re like gross, blah, blah, blah. And now you guys can’t get enough of it. You know, It’s amazing how that happens and how their PR how perspective shifts over time. Because it went from the Ooh, gross to the, you didn’t put it on my sandwich.

It’s the end of the world you need to where’s the avocado. Yeah. And then the example I can give you about exercise is that I have clients who went from not knowing what to do or just kind of doing a few things and falling off the wagon, right. Coming back on and playing this little game right. To now, they can’t live without doing their cardio.

They, they can’t imagine like, you know, a few days going by without them trying to move. And whether it’d be a cardio strength, training or foam rolling stretching, it’s like they have to do something because otherwise they start feeling their body reverting back. And even though visibly, it may not seem like that to other people or even me as their trainer,

but they can feel it. Right. So the training that I do with my clients, especially around the physical fitness aspect, it’s, it’s not, I tell people. So the training you do with me is meant to help you understand and read your body, right? So if, and when I’m telling you, yes, you’re going to do a squat,

but see you’re going to do it in this particular position, this form, you’re going to get set up this way. You know, you’re, you’re going to be standing up tall, you’re going to bend your knees slight. And then you’re going to tighten your core, your belly and your lower back. And, but then you’re going to go into the squat is a whole different,

a feeling and effect than if you were just going up and down. Yeah. That’s a very different thing. Yeah. I need you to be aware of which muscles are turning on. And if you weren’t feeling your lower back and your belly and your butt turning off, maybe, you know, you weren’t getting the most out of it. People like,

well, I was doing it wrong all these years. I’m like, no, no, no. It’s not about what was wrong. I mean, that is a way people sit and they get in the chair and may, you know, they sit and then they get up. But doing those squats and being very aware of what’s happening, I think that also really speaks to self care in the sense that we have to be more in tune with our bodies and what we’re thinking,

how we’re feeling and what’s happening. Because when we do that, it feels like that’s when self-care becomes so much more effective. Right? Right. So in the fitness realm, I use the term it’s, you’re highly aware, right? Your neural vascular connection, your mind to body connection. Right. And they, they mentioned this way. There’s mind,

body yoga. There’s my everything’s mind and body. Right? Because you, you have to be able to assess and know, you know, where are you feeling? What, otherwise you could end up hurting yourself or you’re not getting the most out of that exercise. So that’s the physical fitness aspect, but going back to being preemptive and catching yourself early,

right. So that’s the whole mind, right? If you’re not even able to catch your mind, forget about the mind body connection, you have to catch your thoughts. What are you guys? Thoughts are racing, you know, and you have to catch a bus. So it will slow it down and be able to make assessment. Right. And then it,

yes, you will get to the point where you’ve done this ABC thing. So many times you already have your assessments, your patterns set up in the sense that you’re like, well, there’s option one. Then there’s option two there’s option 3, 4, 5, 6. What works right now? Because I’ve gone through all of them. And I use each option at a different point or hectic busy level of my life.

It depends how busy I am. And I, I, and I will change which option I use to satisfy the completion of whatever that task was. Right. So you go up, it’s not many times that you just wrote now. You’re just like, oh yeah. It’s option. I mean, you’re not obviously saying, you thought you’d buy it,

but you’re just automatic. We start that process and you’re content. You’re happy because you’re like, this is fine. It’s absolutely fine that I chose that option. Right. Versus again, go back to the fluidity. If you’re slow, like, no, I have to do this and that do it this way then, and then what’s going to be the outcome.

If you can’t do it, you’re not able to, you’re not getting anything done. You’re not getting, you’re going to feel bad And that’s not what we want. We never want to feel bad. Right. Right. I don’t know if it’s a human nature to want to feel guilty about something. I don’t know. So when, when you’re kind of thinking about being preemptive,

do you have any tips for kind of noticing that? How do you notice for someone who hasn’t really spent a lot of time paying attention to their thoughts or that internal dialogue? Do you have any tips for starting that process? Making it a little bit easier? So in the end, it’s, there is no shortcut, right? So you need to,

you do need to give yourself time to reflect, right? So there, the mind is always rehashing the past, right? It’s either you did this other thing. And then it’s always rehashing rehashed and rehashed because it’s trying to create a new as it’s as if you did something differently, but so you can’t change the past. Right. So, so that’s naturally happening anyway.

And so if you notice that that’s happening, then you should be taking notes, write mental notes, like, okay. So I did this and then, but I all, then you’ll start noticing what was going on, what was going on? Like the environment situation, maybe your schedule was just off and you were just, you know, trying to,

she wants into your calendar. So what led up to that thing? Not going the way you wanted it to go. Right. So, so you do need to have that downtime, that time to reflect. And then, and then that’s where you will start to identify, oh, okay. I could have done option 1, 2, 3, and you know what?

Okay. So I can’t think of more than three other alternatives that I could have done. So let’s just stick with those in my head. And next time, this type of situation happens. I now thought it through what my responses are going to be to myself, what decision making I’m going to need. Right. I just really appreciate you kind of sharing all of those thoughts.

I love that concept. I think we started our conversation saying, you know, you need to step back and see what’s most important right now. And maybe put some of the other things off. And I love how we’re kind of ending by saying, you need that time for reflection, which means kind of inherently, you’ve got to put some things off to be able to sit down and reflect so that you can keep moving forward.

And I love how it’s just all kind of connected And, and it’s a journey. So this is the thing I say all the time to my clients that I know people come in and then you have the goal in mind. Right. And everyone has the box next to each of the goals of the major, the micro mini nano. And however much you want to break it down.

And it’s like, oh, I got to check that box. I got to draw that line through that thing, through that task. But it’s, it’s a journey. So healthy lifestyle, fitness exercise, right. Stretching, whatever it is that you’re doing near nutrition. It’s, it’s a journey. There’s no end right. To say. So when people,

oh, so what diet are you on? I’m like, I’m not on a diet. I don’t believe in diets. I don’t do them. You know, I just know what to eat when to eat it because I’ve taken the time to reflect right. And make that nutrition journal use all that, whatever the apps are that your people can use food,

which you do need to do initially, because otherwise you’re not gonna, you’re not gonna be able to learn. What’s I agree. That has been a huge thing for me, being able to track it, just to learn my patterns, even though yes. I prepare all of my food. Well, that doesn’t mean I’m aware in the moment of the portion size,

or if I’m eating, when I’m not hungry more, how it makes me feel to have a certain food. What I feel like afterward, you know, we don’t get that just automatically. We have to be intentional. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Well, I want to thank you so much for sitting down with me. You had some really interesting points.

I hadn’t necessarily kind of lined up in that way before. And so I just appreciate all of your insights and being willing to share that with me. So I’m wondering, how can we connect with you after the podcast social media, what do you have? How can we get in touch with you? So I have a website which is www.ikazam.com and you can send a comment there through the contact.  The best way

usually nowadays, believe it or not, even though I’m, I’m not a tech person, but I do have a business Facebook page, @ikazamcoaching. And then my handle for Instagram is the same. Okay. Yeah. Perfect. Perfect. So I will link all of those in the show notes so that anyone can just click instead of having to go type that out.

I’ll make it super easy. And I just want to thank you Imrana for sitting down with me today, taking time out of your day and chatting self-care and just kind of hearing your insights about how to make change easier. I think in some ways that may not have been where we started, but I think we got a lot of that in there,

and it was lovely to hear your concept of breaking goals down and kind of that fluidity that needs to happen. And really just being very intentional with what we’re doing, realizing there’s that internal dialogue that we sometimes skip over, but as important, and that reflection piece allows us to access that just a little bit easier. So I appreciate you, and I appreciate you sitting down with me today.

Thank you. Thank you for having me. And I’ll leave your guests with three mini phrases. So be persistent, be forgiving and be well That’s beautiful. I don’t think I can add anything to that. That’s perfect. Thank you so much. I appreciate you. Same here. I appreciate you as well as fantastic. I’m so glad I met you in that advanced class that I took quite a few years ago at this point.

Absolutely. Yeah.

Conclusions and Offer

What did you think of that conversation? Did you take home something new to think about? Now let me let you in on a little secret during this interview; Imrana lost power, everything turned off and we were so thankful that this conversation was happening on her phone so that we could just keep going. Even though the power went out,

there were lighting issues. It was one of those moments where you think, wow, anything that can happen did. And what I love most about that is that we still get to have these authentic conversations, even in the middle of lighting issues, power going out, you still get to sit down and have a conversation with someone. What I’d like to encourage you to do this week is think about who you can sit down and have a conversation with.

Who can you share your coaching journey with? Who can you share your vision for your coaching journey with? And if you’re not sure of the answer who you could share that with, share it with me, reach out to me on Facebook or Instagram, send me a DM. I would love to set up a time to chat. We can take 15 or 20 minutes for a clarity call and start thinking about what your next steps might be in your coaching career.

If this sounds interesting, if you are thinking to yourself, oh, this is the exact thing I’ve been waiting for. I just need someone to talk to about my coaching career and what those next right steps are. And take me up on my offer. Send me a DM, let me know what you need, where you’re at in your coaching career.

And we will set up a time to talk sometimes just talking to someone can release that. Perfect. Next right step. Are you ready? I can’t wait to hear from you have a wonderful week and I’ll see you back here next week for another episode of the coaching hive podcast. Thank you so much. My friends.

~ Dr. Moira

Ways to Connect with Imrana:

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