#120: Heart-centered content that connects: Interview with Author Cate Butler Ross


Cate Butler Ross is the most down to earth writer and I think you are going to love her heart-centered approach to connecting with your community, your clients, and as an entrepreneur. She opened my eyes to new ways to build a relationship while still protecting the details of our family that we’d like to keep private.

Quick Show Guide

  1. (00:00 – 05:18) Creating Authentic Connections: How to Resonate with Your Audience Without Revealing Your Private Life
  2. (05:18 – 09:40) Unveiling the 360 Degree Person to Create Connection: A Storytelling Approach for Entrepreneurs
  3. (09:40 – 14:52) A Response to Hype: Can AI Replace Good Content Writing and Copywriting?
  4. (14:53 – 20:35) Fostering Community in Online Business: A Love of Bringing People Together
  5. (20:35 – 25:58) Creating Community Through Online Business: Celebrating Tiny Steps and Nurturing Relationships
  6. (25:59 – 31:08) Putting Thought into Connecting: Get Your Book Out There Now with Professional Writer Cate Butler Ross!
  7. (31:08 – 35:21) Connecting with Your Audience Through Heart-Centered Content: Your Action Item for This Week

Key Takeaways

  1. Foster a sense of community to stay motivated when working remotely.
  2. Utilize automated tools with caution and focus on creating relationships.
  3. Tap into your unique story to create meaningful connections with your audience.
  4. Create an authentic atmosphere with content and stories about your worldview.
  5. Comprehend the readers you’re targeting to create successful copywriting.

Connect with Cate Butler Ross

I trust you learned a lot from Cate and are ready to learn even more. 

Purchase her book today on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/SOUL-STORY-Tell-Stories-Tribe-ebook/dp/B0BX6Z1G2Z/ 

And connect with her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/catebutlerross and 

Be sure to follow her on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/catebutlerross/ 

For more details on how you can work with Cate, check out her website at: https://theluminous.media/

Need a Transcript?

Full transcript available upon request. Please email moira@coachinghive.com. We want to make sure that everyone can access this podcast in a way that works best for them.

Please Note: Dr. Moira was a Certified StoryBrand Guide from May 15, 2022 until July 15, 2024. Any episodes mentioning StoryBrand were recorded during a time when she was certified as a Guide. If you would like to be connected with an active StoryBrand Guide, feel free to reach out as she still maintains contacts within the Guide community.

2 Responses

  1. A couple of lightbulbs went off: sharing some of my own stories so my audience really understands that I DO get them. I share their challenges. And using those stories to create small groups – creating connections – in my FB groups.

  2. Cate made the comparison of entre/solo-premiership with an office job re: relationships and interactions with others as it relates to relationships we can build in our social media communities. It created a turning point in my perception of social media as a series of endless tasks. Add the concept of serving to this – “my” – community and posting to interact and build relationships becomes very attractive and, intentionally, fulfilling. It’s a big take away.

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