
#92: Identifying Your Holiday Offer


Welcome back to the Coaching Hive podcast. Today is a very special episode because it’s coming to you on a Thursday, which is not normal. Usually you see these Coaching Hive podcast episodes coming to you on Tuesdays. But here’s the thing. On Tuesday, in episode 91, where we talked about marketing and maximizing your holiday offer, we talked about creating a holiday offer, but I didn’t leave a lot of time to help you think through how to figure out what that offer was. We talked a little bit about it. We talked about the fact that you need to do some Google searches. You need to figure out what’s trending and what works well in your business, but I didn’t give you a whole lot of direction beyond that.

I want to bring you this special episode today to give you a little bit more insight into what you might think about for your holiday offer. How does that sound? 

If you’re ready, grab your notebook because I have five questions that I want you to jot down.

5 Questions To Ask

You’re ready to build your holiday offer, but maybe you aren’t sure what to offer. Perhaps it’s a question of how to make it actually work this time. Maybe you’ve built a holiday offer in the past and it has kind of flopped. You didn’t really get a whole lot of traction with it. People didn’t really seem to be enthusiastic. 

Today I have for you five questions that I want you to do something with, and I’ll explain why I say do something with, because it kind of varies based on the question. 

Question 1: I want you to ask your potential clients, your audience, your list. What would make, depending on who your audience is, quarter four or the holiday season, easier for you if you have a list of businesses. 

If you serve entrepreneurs, obviously we want to find out what’s going to make quarter four easier for them in their business. If you are serving, maybe you’re a coach and you’re serving clients who are trying to get healthy or shift their mindset, you’re going to ask them, how would/could they be helped in the holiday season? So the question there was, what would make your quarter four or holiday season easier? You can fill in the blanks here. You can adjust these, but that’s the general gist of question one. 

Question 2: This is also going to go to your potential clients, your customers, your list people who have already bought from you in the past. Here’s the question, why do you need this year to be different? Why do you need this year to be different?

This is not necessarily going to give you insight into exactly what to offer, although it will. It’s also going to give you insight into why your offer is so important right now. This is going to help you build your story around your offer. Question 2, why do you need something to be different this year, whether it’s in quarter four or the holiday season, depending on who you’re serving, adjust that accordingly. Why do you need something to be different this year? It’s going to give you insights into what you could offer, but also into your messaging. 

Question 3: If you had a genie who would grant you three wishes, what would your three wishes be for your family business life? Fill in the blank here with the appropriate concept for your business.

If you had a genie and you could have three wishes, what would those wishes be? This really gets them to start thinking. It gets down to the heart and soul of what it is they really want. Because when we have a wish, it feels like we can ask for something bigger than maybe what we’ve considered in the past, and this will give you some really good insights into what’s worrying the person, what’s at the root of the issue that they’re having. Now, here is where it shifts a little bit. 

Question 4: Questions four and five are a little bit different, and I think you’ll understand that as we go through them. Question four, what does your client need to accomplish before they’re ready to work with you in your bigger programs or the more expensive product, the more expensive service, the longer term service, What do they need to accomplish before they’re ready for the next step with you? 

This is why this question is different. This one’s geared toward you as the entrepreneur. What does your client need to accomplish before they’re ready to work with you? You could create a holiday offer that helps them accomplish that so that they’re ready to work with you. How cool would that be? Simplify the process. Help them get to where they need to be to be your client. 

Question 5: And question number five, what are the most common objections your potential clients share with you when they tell you they don’t have enough time? Create an offer that is really easy to work into a very busy schedule, and then talk about the fact that it’s easy to work in.

If they tell you that money is an objection, they don’t have enough money for your Paid pro program, your product, create something that is a lower ticket that helps them see the value so that they can then make the choice to find that money, reallocate it, and use those services and your products that will help them make an even bigger transformation. So maybe it’s time, maybe it’s money, maybe it is support in the family. So how can they do something without needing to have everyone’s buy-in in the whole family? What little step could you help them take that they can do all on their own? 

Those are the five questions.


Let me run through them one more time for you. 

  1. What would make quarter four or your holiday season easier this year?
  2. Why do you need something to be different this year? This helps them to think about last year, what they didn’t like about it, maybe what they’re already dreading worrying about fearing. 
  3. If you had a genie and had three wishes, what would those wishes be? And you’ll want to specify that a little bit, contain it to your area of expertise, your business. 
  4. (Inwardly focused.) What does your client need to accomplish before they are ready to work with you? Help them create that bridge. 
  5. What are the most common objections your potential clients have when they’re thinking about working with you? 

There you have it. Five questions to help you think through a solid holiday offer.

What you could actually give during this holiday season, during career four, what does the offer look like? Use these questions to help you with your brainstorming process. And then, like I mentioned in episode 91, marketing and maximizing your holiday offer. You are going to want to do a little bit of research. Go back to Google search, see what words pop up,see what’s trending, see what’s going down, what’s going up in the trends, what’s staying stable, and even looking back a year to this time last year, what was trending, what was working? 

I hope this was helpful, this little bonus short episode to get you to put into action your holiday offer, knowing that it will increase not only just your revenue, but also it will increase your list, your reach, your opportunity to serve more people as we go into the last little bit of the year.

I will see you back here next week for another episode of the Coaching Hive Podcast, where a focus on mentoring and community removes the overwhelm of building your successful and profitable business and adds in a dose of momentum.

Until next time, have a healthy, safe, and happy week!

Please Note: Dr. Moira was a Certified StoryBrand Guide from May 15, 2022 until July 15, 2024. Any episodes mentioning StoryBrand were recorded during a time when she was certified as a Guide. If you would like to be connected with an active StoryBrand Guide, feel free to reach out as she still maintains contacts within the Guide community.

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