#141: Invite Abundance Into Your Business: An Interview with Liz Wolfe


Guest, Liz Wofle, provides tips for unlocking the potential for abundance in life. She outlines three key behaviors to focus on—giving wholeheartedly, receiving graciously, and focusing on abundance—that can help people achieve sustainable levels of prosperity. She also explains that we don’t need to hustle to have an abundant business. 

Quick Show Guide

  • (00:00 – 05:51) Welcome Back to The Entrepreneur Mindset Podcast: A Discussion on Abundance with Liz Wolf
  • (05:53 – 11:58) 3 Keys to an Abundant Business: Ask Powerfully, Give Wholeheartedly, and Receive Graciously 
  • (11:58 – 17:02) Practicing Your Way Through Self-Doubt: Building Your Ask Power 
  • (17:02 – 22:10) Give Wholeheartedly to Ask Powerfully to Receive Graciously 
  • (22:11 – 27:17) Receiving Graciously: How to Achieve Abundance Flow. 
  • (27:17 – 32:46) The Power of Asking, Giving, and Receiving for Entrepreneurs 
  • (32:46 – 38:00) Are You Wired For Business Success? What Your CEO Personality Tells You and How It Can Help Your Business Thrive. 
  • (38:00 – 39:19) Three Keys to Abundance: Giving Wholeheartedly and Receiving Graciously 

Key Takeaways

  1. Decluttering can be beneficial for mental wellbeing and prosperity.
  2. Abundance is a way of being that allows entrepreneurs to find joy in achieving desired outcomes.
  3. Creating abundance in business can create time freedom, money freedom, and the ability to create and manifest ideas.
  4. Asking boldly and giving generously are essential components of creating abundance.
  5. Practicing asking for things is essential to overcoming self-doubt.
  6. Receiving with gratitude is essential for attaining long-term financial success.

Connect with Liz Wolfe

I trust you learned a lot from Liz and are ready to learn even more. 

Be sure to DM Liz on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lizwolfecoach/ 

And connect with her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lizwolfecoach 

For more details on how you can work with Liz, check out her website: https://lizwolfecoaching.com/ 

Need a Transcript?

Full transcript available upon request. Please email moira@coachinghive.com. We want to make sure that everyone can access this podcast in a way that works best for them.

Please Note: Dr. Moira was a Certified StoryBrand Guide from May 15, 2022 until July 15, 2024. Any episodes mentioning StoryBrand were recorded during a time when she was certified as a Guide. If you would like to be connected with an active StoryBrand Guide, feel free to reach out as she still maintains contacts within the Guide community.

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