
#63: Live Mentoring: Brainstorming Challenges

Podcast Intro

Welcome back to the Coaching Hive Podcast. Over the last few weeks, you have been listening to one-on-one mentoring conversations about a variety of topics from daily routine to growing and scaling your business to lead generation.  Today’s podcast will also touch on lead generation, but instead of a full conversation with a specific coach, I wanted to do something special for you.  I’m going to be sharing a tiny portion of last week’s Mentoring Call inside the Coaching Hive.  We were focused on brainstorming ideas for lead generators and the concept of keeping it simple.

This podcast is unique and different because we are going into the nitty gritty practical conversation of how to build your audience as a health coach.  We aren’t talking about the theory, but instead how to make it happen.

You will get a lot of value out of the conversation if you have been wondering what it would be like to have someone as a sounding board or have been feeling stuck when taking the next step forward, or if you want to build your audience but can’t quite put your finger on that next step.

If I had to guess, you’ve been struggling a bit with this concept because it feels ambiguous.  How are you supposed to choose a topic that will resonate with your potential client in a way that has them trading their email address for your PDF.  Or maybe you are thinking that you have to have a big, long email sequence ready and that thought alone keeps you frozen in your tracks.

When what you really want is to be able to work with clients who are ready to make a change.  You want to be able to walk alongside them on their path to wellness.  You really wish the business side of this were a bit easier or smoother.

I hear you!  Finding the right lead generator can take trial and correction.  In fact, it was March of last year that I created what I thought was an amazing lead generator.  I created a podcast that walked alongside the PDF and really thought it would be a hit.  In case you’re wondering, it wasn’t a hit at all.  In fact, only one or two people downloaded it.  Now, I could have stopped there and let the lack of fireworks stop me, but instead I continued trying out different ideas.  When I really stopped to think about what health coaches, like you, wanted, I struck gold with the Coaching Hive Blueprint Assessment.  This is a quick quiz, that you can check out at www.coachinghive.com/assessment, that gives you a chance to get feedback on your business with ideas for taking the next step forward.  Suddenly, that growth was happening.  I tell you this to remind you that just like you aren’t going to make that complicated recipe to the level of perfection the first time, it shouldn’t keep you from trying and adjusting.  The beauty of being an entrepreneur is that we determine our next steps and get to decide what we are willing to invest in making our business a success.

Now before we get into the conversation inside the Coaching Hive, I want to update you on that lead generator that flopped when I first created it.  A year later, some circumstances changed and that lead generator now gets steady downloads.  The lead generator is all about planning your continuing education credits in a thoughtful and mindful way.  It gained popularity when the NBHWC suddenly changed their CE process and providers had to go through a whole new process to be approved.  The moral of the story here is to adjust, but don’t completely throw out what you have created.  You never know when it might be more relevant in the future.  If you are interested in checking out the CE planner, you can grab your copy at www.hivechallenge.com/ceplanner

Now, if you are ready to hear a small snippet of our Coaching Hive Mentoring conversation, grab your pen and paper because there will be brainstorming happening and when you’re ready, with our theme of simplicity, clarity, and vision for 2022 in mind, let’s jump in.

Coaching Hive Mentoring Conversation

(Transcript is auto-generated.  Please excuse any errors.)

I think a lot of you are really focused on what are those next steps. One of the things that you need to do in order to build your business is to generate an email list. Whether you are working, some of you are smiling at me, funny way we all need an email list.

Whether you’re working in person or online, you need an email list because this is going to be a set of people that you’re going to reach out to time. And again, this is something that you own, you own that email list, unlike your social media, where you can log in tomorrow and they can say, sorry, no thanks. And shut you down.

Okay. So we have to make sure that we’re planning for sustainability right from day one. And all of you are kind of getting started right now. So this is a great time to start thinking about what does that email list look like? How do you get it? It, because it doesn’t just magically drop out of the sky as much as we would wish.

So one of the things that you need to think about that I really would love to talk about tonight is lead generation. Okay? So we all need a way to get email addresses from someone, but there it’s an exchange. We have to give something in return. Email addresses are not free. They’re worth about $10. So you’ve got to have something you’re prepared to exchange for their email address because let’s face it.

When they give you an email address. Now they’re saying, okay, you can come to my inbox, right? So we have to be able to give them something in return for that, that kindness that they’ve offered us. So the best way is to kind of think about what kind of quick win can you offer people that are giving you an email address?

Okay. So what we’re going to do is Brainstorm together some challenges, as well as some solutions that we can kind of come up with. So what we’re going to do is start with some challenges or problems that your potential clients are experiencing. What kinds of things do you hear? Stress eating Leap. Probably problems. Okay. What else? That’s like meal planning or time I’m committing to an exercise Finding support during COVID Ooh support.

Okay. So is it support or is it connection? What’d he say Both a little bit of both. Okay. Finding people that are similar in similar situations and that can support them in their goals. So Peer support. Okay. Let’s go with that. What else? Sustainable habits, like, like how to create a habit and Searchie Okay. So creating sustainable habits that tend to stick to it.

That’s the hard part. Right? Right. Okay. Family. Like if you, if your client has a family and maybe the kids are picky, eaters is not on board with what she’s trying to do or Okay. So kind of family dynamics with maybe picky kids or just navigating family dynamics. Yeah. Okay. So stress eating, sleep problems, meal,

planning, time, exercise, program, commitment, support, or having some kind of peer support, just creating connections, creating sustainable habits and sticking to them, family dynamic, navigating family dynamics. So that’s a pretty good list. So what we’re doing here is thinking about clients that we might serve. So some of these may not apply to you. These are just to get you started thinking.

And then what we want to do is think about how could we and a simple PDF, cause we’re going to keep it simple, no fancy stuff here. How can we in a simple PDF, give them a quick win. So if we think about stress eating, what is something quick or simple to implement? Maybe it’s three steps. Maybe it’s one thing that they could implement today that doesn’t require a lot of money.

A lot of extra time, a lot of different resources that you don’t necessarily have. What could they do a little differently To mindfully thing. Okay. So exploring mindful eating. And so you could give them a tip or two about what that constitutes About like distraction Or triggers, Understanding triggers or recognize, understanding and recognizing We’re just coming to awareness of when they’re doing it,

what the factors might be while they’re doing it Coming up with, you know, just, just increasing your awareness. We know that increasing awareness is sometimes that starting place, right? Just increasing awareness will help the person to start making a change. Just that alone can make a difference. Notice the next time you go past the pantry and you grab the chips,

the chocolate, the whatever, notice how you were feeling, what made you walk past the pantry and actually reach out and grab, Maybe give them three questions to ask themselves before they eat. Am I hungry? Am I bored? Am I thirsty? Yep, absolutely. So what we’re doing here is creating something easy. We know that that stress eating is so much bigger than a little PDF is ever going to get touch on.

Right? We know it’s way more than that, but the idea is to help them see that change is possible. So when you’re creating your PDF, I want you to say, Hey, is this going to make me feel like I could change? If I decided that stress eating is no longer something I want in my life, that when I choose to eat,

it’s going to be intentional. I want it to be nourishing foods. And if I’m having ice cream, I don’t want it to be because I reached for it. When I was stressed, I want it to be because as a family, we sat down and had a fun ice cream sundae party. And that’s why I’m eating the ice cream. Not because of anything else.

Right? So this is what we’re trying to do is create this, the awareness that they can change. If they’re not happy with what’s happening, that create the awareness. That change is possible. This is not about complication. This is not about all the things that you know, because you all know a ton of stuff. This is truly about walking in their shoes.

And if they are struggling that day and they say, oh my goodness, there’s something on stress eating. Maybe it can help me. What’s going to help them right now. They’re in that moment where they’re struggling, something’s really challenging for them. What’s going to help them. Right. Then Something like just acknowledging that there is a challenge, make a difference when you’re creating these things.

Yes, Yes. I would take it a step further acknowledging that everyone struggles. Yeah. Taking away the alumnus of it. Right. And letting them know that they’re not the only ones. This is in fact, you know, all of these things you listed here today, for me, these are all normal. These are all common things. If you have not experienced them,

you can probably look to your left or to your right and find someone who has without a whole lot of effort. So the idea is to, yes, just kind of the awareness recognizing they’re not alone. And that can be just part of it. Could you use statistics in this case? Like so many percentage of people struggle with this or so many,

you know, like, does that make any difference or just acknowledging that other people struggle? I wouldn’t, I would use story instead. Okay. Statistics are scary and they can feel well, if, if 92% of people struggle with this, well, what hope do I ever have? Right. So if we see that everyone struggles will, then why even try,

it’s pointless, Avoiding statistics. Yeah. Maybe let them know they’re not alone. That it’s not, that storytelling is going to be your friend. Tell the story that draws you in.

Conclusions and Tip for the Week

Were you able to come up with some new ideas during the brainstorming process?  Take a look at what you have on your paper or on your notes app.  What ideas will resonate most with your potential clients?

Remember the key is to make sure that this is what your potential clients wants.  You may have an idea of what they need, but you will gain their attention by sharing what they want.  It is easy to make the mistake of providing what you think they need.  After all, you have been through the training and practice. You know more about health and wellness than they might, but at the end of the day you want to be sure that you are telling a story and offering information that resonates with them.

So, let’s review quickly.  Brainstorm the common questions that your potential clients are asking.  Then choose one and think about what easy tips you could provide to help them shift their perspective or gain a quick win.  Finally, create a simple PDF or brief video that shares this information with them.

Now that you have had a chance to dig in a little more, I’m curious to know what has been most valuable about this conversation.  I’d also like to know what questions you still have about implementing a lead generator in your business.

And as I get ready to wrap-up, you can find the Coaching Hive Blueprint Assessment at www.coachinghive.com/assessment if you’d like to take a look at your business and get practical tips for taking the next step.  And if you found yourself intrigued by the concept of having a sounding board in your business, DM me the word “support” on Instagram @coachinghive or on Facebook @coachinghivelife and I’ll be happy to chat about whether the Coaching Hive might be a good fit for you.  We have these live conversations twice a month inside the Coaching Hive and even more often inside Coaching Hive Elite.

Finally, I want to be sure that this podcast is not just another podcast that you’ve listened to, but one that generated action in your business.  So here are 3 easy actions that you can do today.  First, brainstorm the list of questions your potential clients typically ask.  Second, choose one and create a brief PDF that contains three to five tips or ideas that will help your potential client take action today.  And finally, if you are ready to take more action like this in your health coaching business DM me the word “support” on Instagram or Facebook and we will set up a time to chat about what your next steps might look like.

Thank you so much for listening and participating in today’s podcast.  

I look forward to seeing you back here next week for another episode of the Coaching Hive podcast, where a focus on mentoring and community removes the overwhelm of building your successful coaching business and adds in a dose of momentum. 

Until next time, have a healthy, safe, and happy week.

~ Dr. Moira


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