
#132: Mind Over Matter: Cultivating a Systems Mindset


Welcome back to the Entrepreneur Mindset Podcast. Last week, in Episode 131 we kicked off a series on creating systems and processes in your business. You had an action item listing out all of the tasks you completed last week. How did that go?

Did you find any resistance, frustration, patterns? 

Today, we’re diving deeper into our series on systems and processes. Specifically, we’re exploring the mindset that allows these systems to flourish, a mindset of embracing change, seeking efficiency, and being patient with progress.

Embrace The Systems Mindset

When we start to explore new things and approaches in our business, it is easy for mindset to throw up roadblocks. After all, we like to keep ourselves safe. It goes back to the days when we needed to avoid being eaten by lions. I would encourage you to thank that inner voice that is working to keep you safe and then ask it if, perhaps, creating systems and processes might make your life and business just a little better.

Overcoming Resistance to Change

One of the first challenges business owners face when trying to implement systems and processes is resistance to change. It’s an ingrained human trait, this discomfort with altering the status quo. For example, you may have a certain way of handling customer inquiries that has worked fine for you so far, and the thought of shifting that to a new system may feel unnecessary or even risky. But what if I told you that an effective system could not only handle those inquiries but also do it in half the time, freeing you to focus on other tasks? Overcoming this resistance involves acknowledging the fear, understanding the benefits, and taking that first leap of faith.

One of the things that I’ve been resistant to is using AI in my business. As a college professor I very much value the creativity and originality that comes from the writing process. But as the world shifts more toward AI, I didn’t want to be left behind. So I found a balance of what I love and what the world is expecting. Now I create my content, but then use AI to help me refine a title, suggest a theme, create a summary from my content. I’m using it to work smarter and more efficiently.

Seeking Efficiency

And at their core, systems and processes are all about improving efficiency. But to truly leverage this, you need to adopt a mindset that constantly seeks better ways to operate. Suppose you’re an online store owner spending a lot of time processing orders manually. With an efficiency mindset, instead of accepting this as an unavoidable part of your work, you’d be driven to find a system or software that could automate most of this process, saving you valuable hours each week.

Patience with Incremental Progress

Implementing systems is not an overnight process; it’s about making small, consistent improvements over time. Let’s say you’re a freelance graphic designer, and you decide to systematize your client onboarding process. You might start by creating a standardized project brief form. Next, you may develop a system for scheduling and conducting initial client meetings. Over time, these small changes add up to a fully systematized onboarding process that saves you time and energy. The key is to be patient, celebrate these incremental wins, and stay committed to the process.

In essence, fostering a systems mindset is about overcoming resistance, seeking efficiency, and being patient with progress. It’s a transformative journey, reshaping the way you approach your work and setting the stage for the efficient, effective systems we’ll be discussing in future episodes.

Action Item

I don’t want you to wait for a future episode to take action. You know, I love for you to take action every week. So here’s what you can do this week. I want you to revisit the list of tasks you made last week – the ones that you perform over and over again. Spend 15-20 minutes reflecting on the mindset needed to systematize these tasks. Ask yourself:

  1. Where am I resisting change? Why?
  2. How can I seek efficiency in these tasks?
  3. What small improvements can I make immediately, and what larger changes can be implemented over time?

The goal here is to identify any mindset blocks and create a plan for adopting a systems mindset. Remember, change starts from within, so focusing on mindset is a crucial step towards implementing effective systems and processes.


To sum today’s episode up, cultivating the right mindset is key to successfully implementing systems and processes. It’s about overcoming resistance, seeking efficiency, and being patient with progress.

The action item for this week is to reflect on where you might be resisting change. I’ll never forget telling someone that I love editing my podcasts, because it is easy. I was resisting change. Then reflect on how you can seek efficiency in your tasks and what small improvements you could make now and which ones might be larger and more in the future. 

Thank you all for tuning in. If you enjoyed today’s episode and found value in our discussion, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to subscribe to our podcast and leave a review. Your support helps us continue to bring you more content like this.

I will see you back here next week for another episode of the Entrepreneur Mindset Podcast, where a focus on mentoring, community, and implementation removes the overwhelm of building your successful and profitable business and adds in a dose of momentum. 

Until next time, have a healthy, safe, and happy week.

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Please Note: Dr. Moira was a Certified StoryBrand Guide from May 15, 2022 until July 15, 2024. Any episodes mentioning StoryBrand were recorded during a time when she was certified as a Guide. If you would like to be connected with an active StoryBrand Guide, feel free to reach out as she still maintains contacts within the Guide community.

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