Digital Course Creator Podcast Archive
#78: A Step-by-Step Approach to Business Building
Are you ready for a step-by-step approach to building your business, but can’t find the perfect, “right” list? That is because it doesn’t exist BUT that doesn’t mean there all hope is lost at creating a business without all the chaos.
#77: Does Your Website Tell YOUR Story or Your CLIENT’s Story?
It is easy to think that a website should share as much as possible about the business owner. After all, you are trying to build trust. What if you were to shift and focus on your client’s story instead?
#76: Coaching Hive Blueprint: Bringing It All Together
In piecing together the Coaching Hive Blueprint it is time to explore the next steps. What do you feel comfortable tackling on your own and where will you seek additional guidance and support?
#75: Coaching Hive Blueprint: How do you grow a business?
You do not have unlimited time and resources personally. You can’t do everything all the time. This means that growing and scaling often requires you to step outside your comfort zone and invite others into your business.
#74: Coaching Hive Blueprint: What should I learn next?
Do you get stuck in a cycle of learning only to look up and realize that you haven’t implemented anything you’ve learned? With progress-driven learning you can get back to working your business, not just learning for your business.
#73: Coaching Hive Blueprint: Help My Message is Confusing!
Talking about your business can be challenging. Without the right words it can be downright daunting. This episode talks about how to simplify your message so that your potential clients come running for your doors.
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