Digital Course Creator Podcast Archive
#66: Coaching Hive Blueprint: The Foundation of your Business
Building a business without a vision is like building a house without a foundation. With a solid foundation in place, not only will your business generate more income, it will be sustainable, and enjoyable over time.
#65: Coaching Hive Blueprint: The Secret Sauce
What do micro-decisions and blueprints have in common? They are the key factors in building, growing, and scaling a sustainable and profitable health coaching business. In fact, they are the secret sauce that successful business owners incorporate into their way of life.
#64: Live Mentoring: The Brain Dump
As a business owner it is easy to get stuck, experience indecision, or feel the weight of decision fatigue. Sometimes a simple brain dump is all that is needed to get moving again. This conversation with Anne brings to light the impact of a few simple actions in creating momentum.
#63: Live Mentoring: Brainstorming Challenges
Have you stopped to really think about what questions your clients have? What they want to know versus what you think they need to know? Answering the question of what a potential client wants to know is the key to a successful lead generator.
#62: Live Mentoring: Lead Generation
Lead generation can make or break a business. With a meaningful lead generator you can build your email list and grow your health coaching business.
#61: Live Mentoring: Standing Out
Part of Julie’s growth plan is quality of quantity. This makes consistency and standing out critical to her success. What do you do to stand out from the crowd?
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