Digital Course Creator Podcast Archive
#60: Live Mentoring: Refining Your Offer
As an entrepreneur sharing your offer is key to gaining clients, but it isn’t always easy. In this conversation, Julie is thinking about how to share her workshops as potential professional development opportunities.
#59: Live Mentoring: Building a Brand
Building a business is more than just getting that certificate and posting on social media. In fact, it can take time to really build a brand and decide what works best for you and your family. It also means getting outside your comfort zone and tackling new outlets for connection.
#58: Live Mentoring: Flexibility
Even when you have a daily rhythm, life can happen and that is where flexibility is key. Part of flexibility is remembering to not let that inner voice, the chatter, take over when things don’t go quite as planned.
#57: Live Mentoring: Finding Your Rhythm
What would your health coaching business look like with more rhythm to your day? Would you be more at ease and productive? Listen in to this mentoring session to learn more about how Coach Julie is creating rhythm for her day.
#56: Uniquely Yours: Find Freedom
When you have freedom to do the things you want to do in life, what will your coaching business look like? What must happen for you to enjoy this kind of flexibility?
#55: Uniquely Yours: Generate Boredom
Have you ever considered that boredom might be the secret sauce for a thriving coaching business? In reality, every business should have the opportunity for boredom.
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