Digital Course Creator Podcast Archive
#48: Vision and Planning: Clarity for a New Day
Planning and creating that path for 2022 doesn’t have to be daunting. In fact, it can mean a time of celebration as you gain clarity on how to structure your days and weeks.
#47: Vision and Planning: Quarterly Goals
Don’t let the shake-ups from the past 2 years derail your planning. Use this opportunity to explore a new way of planning. One that is flexible and hinges on crafting multiple avenues to your big annual pillars.
#46: Vision and Planning: The Big Goals
So many people have an unruly list of big goals for the upcoming year and find that list doesn’t really work. Today’s episode will walk you through the first step of a 3-step process for creating doable and achievable pillars for 2022.
#45: Vision and Planning: Reflecting on the Past Year
Wait! Don’t plan just yet. First take time to reflect so that your plans are rooted in a strong foundation of what has come before. This opportunity to stop and reflect is a gift worth giving yourself and your business.
#44: Measuring Progress: How to Process Progress
Regardless of what you feel when you think about progress or when you sit down to think about progress with a client, it is critical to take things one step at a time.
#43: Measuring Progress: Gratitude
Expressing gratitude as a matter of practice when you are measuring progress can help to shift your mindset to one of growth and possibility.
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