Digital Course Creator Podcast Archive
#30: Passion and Purpose: Your Journey is YOUR Journey
Your journey is YOUR journey. But what do you do when that self-doubt creeps in? How can you quiet the negative chatter and make progress? We explore three ways to make progress in this episode.
#29: Passion and Purpose: Finding Your Purpose is Woo-woo
I have a question for you, isn’t it more important to listen to that voice in your head that is telling you there is something more or different that might be worthwhile to at least pursue instead of giving in to the weird looks, the doubtful friends, and the nay-sayers?
#28: Passion and Purpose: Interview with Amy McLaren
Following your passion leads to deeper purpose and the more good we can do in the world. In this episode, best-selling author, Amy McLaren shares her journey and tips.
#27: Passion and Purpose: Finding Your Purpose
We are kicking off our month-long journey from passion to purpose this week with a question. Is being a Health Coach your purpose?
#26: Communication: Superstar Summaries
Summaries are a wonderful technique to use, but often are forgotten in the rush of time. In today’s episode we discuss what makes summaries the superstars of OARS.
#25: Communication: Relatable Reflections
Are you ready to capture your client’s attention and make sure that they know you are listening? Crafting relatable reflections will be an important communication tool to fast-tracking this connection.
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