Digital Course Creator Podcast Archive
#200: Entrepreneurship is About Persistence
“State of running a business with considerable initiative and risk” ( That is the definition of entrepreneurship. This definition is accurate. You have to show initiative, you have to assume the risk of creating something new, finding an audience who wants to purchase what you’ve created, and then deliver on what you’ve promised.
What I don’t see in this definition is the word persistence. And the truth is that persistence is at the foundation of every entrepreneur’s journey. It takes persistence to create something new, find the right audience, and then deliver on what you’ve promised.
Today, in the 200th episode of the Digital Course Creator Podcast, we are going to talk about the realities of persistence, the actions that can help you generate persistence even when you don’t think you have anything left, and also when it might be time to step away from something because the risk or cost is too high.
#199: The Easiest Way to Record your Online Course Videos (Maximum Impact)
You have carefully planned out your digital course. You’ve mapped out the modules, the outcomes, the examples, and the resources. Which leaves you with the actual recording of your online course.
All too often this is where the dramatic music that you hear in horror films starts to play because course creators want their course to have an impact. But it feels impossible to know what to do when hitting record.
You can choose to stress over the best way to record your course, or re-record your course OR you can follow the three steps that I’m going to share with you today so that you can just get those recordings done and out where your students can learn from your wisdom.
#198: Creating a Digital Course that Engages: Regardless of Attention Span
Today’s topic is a little controversial and completely practical all in one nice serving.
So what makes today’s topic practical? We all want our students and clients to finish the digital course that we have painstakingly created, assembled, and sold. We want them to succeed and eventually become a case study for our business in addition to experiencing the change that we promised. In order to do that we have to make sure our course is engaging. We are going to cover three ways to make your course more engaging.
This doesn’t sound controversial, except it is, as I found out in a live stream training I provided this week. I made the comment that attention spans aren’t necessarily shrinking so we do not need to be worried about that when creating our courses. And one listener said that we would need to agree to disagree on that. So down the bunny trail I went into the research and that is where the controversy comes in.
We are going to talk about not just 3 ways to improve student engagement, but also how that completion rate might be impacted by attention span, or not.
#197: What makes sense? One-to-One Coaching vs. Group Program vs. Digital Course
What makes the most sense for your business?
Building a One-to-One Coaching Offer, a Group Program, or a Digital Course?
This is probably something that you’ve been wondering and have seen suggestions telling you why each one of these is THE way to go.
But which one makes the most sense for you? After all, our businesses are not a one size fits all concept.
#196: Too Many Ideas & Too Little Time: 3 Tips For Staying Focused on Your Course
The curse and the gift of being a creator is that you probably have a lot of ideas. That is a gift, because you can always create a new offer, adjust an existing lead magnet to better align with client needs, and write those stories that will engage your reader.
Sounds great, right?
It is, right up until it isn’t.
The swirl of ideas also means that you may find it difficult to focus on just one task, one offer, or one idea. The other ideas are crowding in and tempting you to shift gears to something else.
What happens as a result is that your tasks remain unfinished and your course remains un-launched.
You can keep up this half-finished way of building your business, or you can implement 3 tips for staying focused in spite of the never-ending swirl of ideas.
Which path will you choose?
#195: Entrepreneurship: I think I want to Quit
I think I should just quit now.
That is what the digital course creator wrote in response to a comment on their post.
I think I should just quit now.
In the post this creator shared their numbers around their email list and conversion rates or sales rate for their course. They wanted some help to figure out how many people would need to be on their list to make a certain sales goal. That number felt staggering.
We’ve all uttered the words or felt that sentiment that maybe we should just quit before.
If you are nodding your head yes, I’d like to invite you to stick around for this unscripted, no holds barred conversation about what it means to be an entrepreneur and dealing with the doubts that creep in.
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