
#204: Does Weekly Content Really Build Demand for your Course?

The best way to build demand for your online course is with weekly content, or is it?
So often we are told that we need to build an audience so that when we launch a course, there will be eager buyers ready with their credit cards. To build an audience the direction often given is to create weekly content.
Why then, after creating and sharing weekly content for months and even years do course creators not have an audience primed for buying when they launch their course. It’s frustrating to spend hours each week crafting new and original content only for it to fall flat and get hidden in a crowded inbox or busy social media scroll faster than you can snap your fingers.
How are we supposed to build that audience when the advice doesn’t seem to work?
Today I’m going to walk you through why weekly content doesn’t build demand for your audience and what it actually does for you and your business.
With this simple shift you’ll finally start to see your weekly content gaining traction.

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#203: When is the Right Time to Launch Your Course

When is the right time to launch your digital course? Is it in the summer, the fall, January 1, or April 28?
This is a reasonable question. You put so much effort into the creation of a truly fantastic and meaningful course that the last thing you want is to scuttle your efforts with a poorly chosen course launch date.
Why, then, if this is something that is so important, can you not find a clear answer anywhere? Search Google and you get answers that tell you to analyze your course, your audience, and a list of other things. In other words, no straight guidance here.
You have two choices to make, you can simply draw a date out of the hat and hope for the best OR you can follow the same guidance that I give my digital course clients when they are wrestling with the question of when to launch.

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#202: Online Course Creation Launch Success: Revenue vs. Profit

What is your business making?

Should you be measuring your revenue or your profit when launching the online course you painstakingly created?

A lot of times you’ll see people talking about how they had a 5 figure launch or a 6 figure launch, but that doesn’t tell the whole story.

It’s frustrating because when someone lists a number, you don’t know if they are talking about revenue or profit. And as we look for role models, strategies, and ideas to emulate in our own course launches, how do you know what to pay attention to and what to ignore?

You could end up choosing a strategy that has you losing money if you aren’t careful. 

Today I’m going to share with you how to think about the numbers you see being reported on social media, in podcasts, on YouTube so that you can make decisions for your business and digital course that will lead to more profit, more reliably.

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#201: Digital Course Creation Toughness (Mental Toughness)

Course creation is a marathon not a sprint. Course creation is a long game.

We can apply any number of inspirational quotes or mantras to our digital course creation business, but that isn’t going to keep you warm at night.

The reality is that knowing course creation and the subsequent success will take time doesn’t protect us from the challenges that will pop up, the exhaustion and frustration that inevitably send us for the Ben and Jerry’s ice cream section at the store, or the bank account that doesn’t seem to have enough to cover our business expenses.

So what do we do to get through these times when we are busily working without seeing tangible proof of our progress? We have to develop a mindset that is realistic, rooted in the truth, and ultimately helps us to stay focused and taking the process step by step.

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#200: Entrepreneurship is About Persistence

“State of running a business with considerable initiative and risk” (dictionary.com). That is the definition of entrepreneurship. This definition is accurate. You have to show initiative, you have to assume the risk of creating something new, finding an audience who wants to purchase what you’ve created, and then deliver on what you’ve promised.

What I don’t see in this definition is the word persistence. And the truth is that persistence is at the foundation of every entrepreneur’s journey. It takes persistence to create something new, find the right audience, and then deliver on what you’ve promised.

Today, in the 200th episode of the Digital Course Creator Podcast, we are going to talk about the realities of persistence, the actions that can help you generate persistence even when you don’t think you have anything left, and also when it might be time to step away from something because the risk or cost is too high.

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#199: The Easiest Way to Record your Online Course Videos (Maximum Impact)

You have carefully planned out your digital course. You’ve mapped out the modules, the outcomes, the examples, and the resources. Which leaves you with the actual recording of your online course.

All too often this is where the dramatic music that you hear in horror films starts to play because course creators want their course to have an impact. But it feels impossible to know what to do when hitting record.

You can choose to stress over the best way to record your course, or re-record your course OR you can follow the three steps that I’m going to share with you today so that you can just get those recordings done and out where your students can learn from your wisdom.

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