#186: The Secret Behind why StoryBrand isn’t Working for Your Business

You’ve read the Building a StoryBrand book by Donald Miller. You’ve mapped out the 7 parts of the framework, but nothing is changing in your business. People still aren’t finding you. Your email list growth is the same size it has been for three months, the people following you on Facebook and Instagram aren’t your people, and your latest course launch yielded a handful of sales at best.

The secret behind unlocking the power of StoryBrand isn’t something that you’ll find in the book, but I’m going to spill the beans on the key today. And at the end of today’s episode, as a StoryBrand Certified Guide, I’ll highlight for you which piece of the 7-part framework I think is the single most important part to nail so that your audience feels seen, heard, and understood.

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#185: Should I Invest in a Business Coach? (Getting Help as an Entrepreneur)

If you’ve been on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or really any social media platform at all in the past day you’ve seen countless ads for business coaches.

I’ll share with you the exact process I go through when deciding if I need to work with someone 1:1 and in today’s Sixty-Second Solution I’ll share great interview questions you can ask a potential coach so that you can find the perfect match. These are the same questions that I encourage my private clients to ask when they are interviewing me.

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#184: How to Overcome Course Creation Paralysis and Finally Launch Your Course

Have you been working on your course for more than 6 months and haven’t launched yet? Do you wonder how you’ll ever get everything recorded when new module ideas keep popping up? Are you still purchasing solutions and courses to help you get to the point of launch and not making visible progress?

The truth is that course creation paralysis happens to most course creators at some point and it is the single biggest reason that entrepreneurs fail to successfully add a course to their business.

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#183: Danger: Ignoring Your Email Subscribers Limits Revenue

Nearly the first thing you hear as a digital entrepreneur is the importance of building an email list. You think. Ok. I can ask people for their emails. No problem.

What no one tells you is that simply getting someone on your email list in ActiveCampaign, Mailerlite, or Convertkit is not enough. You have to do something with all of those emails and a LOT of something.

When the realization hits home that we have to send emails, we are often faced with indecision, questions, and overwhelm.

Clients often ask me, “What do you send in the emails?”, “What is the whole purpose”, and “How often am I supposed to email the people who have trusted me with their email address?”

You can stay in this cycle of stuckness or you can decide to make a change and embrace your email list as a meaningful and important part of your business and business success.

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#182: How to Create a Quarterly Plan the Fast Way as a Digital Course Creator

Quarterly planning is upon us and it doesn’t have to take forever. You don’t have to spend weeks creating an elaborate plan for your quarter, because let’s face it. The more elaborate the plan, the more likely it is to fail.

Instead, you need a fast way to plan your quarter so that you can get back to serving students, creating new modules, and revising messaging for your business.

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#181: Top 6 Tools for Creating and Selling Your Digital Course: Part 2

Too many tools, tech options, learning management systems and decisions lead to overwhelm and stuckness as a digital course creator.

In Episode 180 I shared with you 3 of my Top 6 tools for creating and selling your digital course and today I’m going to share 3 more to round out our 6 tools. If you didn’t catch Part 1, be sure to go back and listen when you are done here.

With over 15 years of experience in digital courses, I’ve dealt with the ins and outs, ups and downs of the process and choices around technology. My goal is to simplify things for you and save some hair pulling so that you have more time for course development AND your hobbies…even if that means rediscovering hobbies you had to put down while figuring out the tech side of your business.

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