
#199: The Easiest Way to Record your Online Course Videos (Maximum Impact)


You have carefully planned out your digital course. You’ve mapped out the modules, the outcomes, the examples, and the resources. Which leaves you with the actual recording of your online course.

All too often this is where the dramatic music that you hear in horror films starts to play because course creators want their course to have an impact. But it feels impossible to know what to do when hitting record.

You can choose to stress over the best way to record your course, or re-record your course OR you can follow the three steps that I’m going to share with you today so that you can just get those recordings done and out where your students can learn from your wisdom.

And, if tech is something that gets you tangled up when thinking about recording, stick around for today’s Sixty-Second Solution and I’ll share with you the easy solution that most people overlook for creating their digital course recordings.

Recording Your Digital Course

Regardless of what digital course creation space I’m in, whether it is a free group or a paid group like Momentum, Amy Porterfield’s membership for Digital Course Academy alumni, the question constantly comes up about how to record the course they have already spent weeks, months, and even years sweating over.

And the question is sometimes about tech, which I’ll address at the end of today’s episode in the Sixty-Second Solution, but more often it is about the logistics of what to record – direct to camera, slides, slides plus camera.

Now let me ask you a question. Imagine you’re a chef about to open your own restaurant. You’ve spent months curating the menu, sourcing the finest ingredients, and perfecting each dish’s flavor profile. Now, it’s time to serve your first customers, but you’re stuck pondering whether to use porcelain or ceramic plates. While the presentation matters, what truly captivates your guests is the quality and taste of the food. In digital course creation, the ‘dishes’ are your insights and expertise, and the ‘plates’ are the various mediums to deliver your content. Whether it’s direct to camera, slides, or a combination, the essence lies in the value you’re serving. Don’t let the choice of plate distract you from the feast you’re providing.

In fact, just like diners in that restaurant won’t notice what material the plates are made out of, your students are there for the content and would have no idea that you labored over the best choice for recording your course. They won’t know any different. They will assume that your course is being presented exactly how it was meant to be presented and they will focus on the content and transformation that you can help them make.

This might feel easier said than done, so let me walk you through 3 quick reminders so that you can get to recording your course today.

1: Do what is most comfortable

First up, do what is most comfortable when recording your digital course. If you are super comfortable speaking directly to camera and slides are your arch nemesis, much like The Joker is the arch nemesis to BatMan, then speak directly to camera in your course.

If you love slides and don’t quite feel comfortable with showing your face during recordings, then just hit record on those slides and talk with an engaging voice.

And of course, if you are really feeling like you could manage a mix of both, but having your face on camera for the ENTIRE course feels like too much, then maybe intro each module or lesson with your face showing and then transition to slides only.

The key here is to make sure that you are getting your course recorded. In fact, whenever I see this question pop up, there are at least 25 different responses based on the course, who your audience is, how often you plan to re-record segments, and the list goes on.

The reality is that none of this matters if it keeps you from hitting record and publishing your course for your students.

So, reminder #1 is to do what is comfortable and hit the record button.

2: Don’t compare your course recordings to anyone else

The second reminder when you are thinking about the best way to record your course is to avoid comparing yourself and your course to anyone else.

If social media has taught us anything it is that comparison is the thief of joy. When we start to compare our course to someone else’s course, we will tend to see the places where we could do better.

While I heartily encourage you to always do your best, remember that every single course and the entrepreneur behind the curtain are unique, teaching something unique, and at a unique place in their entrepreneurial journey.

That means that to compare your course to their course is like comparing apple pie to a roasted chicken. Two completely different things. Not even served in the same course of the meal.

When we start to make those comparisons we are setting ourselves and our course up for procrastination in the guise of reaching for perfection.

And just remember, that someone might have really fancy intros with music and animation, but their content might not be as detailed as yours with the plain intro that just has you talking as the video begins.

There are pros and cons to every single course and every single recording.

Let’s look at this way, and I apologize for the continued food examples, they are top of mind today. Imagine walking through a lush orchard filled with a variety of fruit trees. Each tree has been nurtured in its own unique way, subjected to various sunlight and rainfall patterns, and has thrived in its distinct plot of soil. Now, imagine you’re tasked with creating the most exquisite fruit salad. You wouldn’t spend your time comparing the apple tree to the cherry tree, feeling sad that the cherries can’t be more like the apples or vice versa. Instead, you are excited for  each fruit for its unique flavor and qualities. Each brings something unique to the fruit salad.,

Comparing your digital course to someone else’s is like comparing an apple to a cherry within the orchard of knowledge. Each course, like each fruit, has been cultivated with its own set of experiences, expertise, and personal touch. You wouldn’t judge the entirety of the orchard based on one tree; similarly, you shouldn’t compare your course to another. Embrace the uniqueness of your content, the authenticity of your presentation, and the individual journey you’ve taken to bring your teachings to life. Just as a fruit salad would be dull if it was all apples or all cherries, the educational landscape thrives on the diversity of its courses.

Ok, enough about this second reminder to avoid comparing your course recordings, style, and decisions to anyone else’s decisions. This concept will be important when we get to today’s Sixty-Second Solution when we talk about the tech side of recording and how to keep it easy.

3: Do make it accessible

This brings us to reminder #3. When creating your recordings for your digital course, one of the most important decisions you can make is to be sure that your recordings are accessible.

A lot of people will put this concept at the bottom of the list when they are considering creating their recordings, but honestly, it needs to be front and center.

As a college professor for over 15 years, I can tell you that for every single announcement, resource, and video that I create and even the ones that I curate, the question that is front and center is whether it is accessible.

Imagine that you go to a conference and the main meals are provided. You don’t have time to travel outside the conference space to grab a meal so you are stuck with what they provide. Now, imagine that you have a food allergy and can’t have a handful of ingredients. This gets tricky, right? The chef for the conference can just tell everyone to figure it out and hope for the best, or they can create boxed meals where the ingredients are separated into individual cups and the attendee can add what ingredients they would like.

Accessibility in course design is like ensuring every guest at the conference can savor the meal you’ve prepared, regardless of their dietary needs. While it might seem easier to cook one large dish hoping it suits everyone, taking the extra step to ensure there are options for those with special requirements turns an ok conference experience into an unforgettable one. This concept directly applies to your digital course content – making it accessible ensures every student, no matter their learning needs or limitations, can engage fully with your material.

Now, if you are thinking that the conference example seems a little far-fetched, it comes to mind as a great example because my husband just attended a conference where they did this. The chef and kitchen staff put the ingredients in separate containers within the boxed meals so that each person could add what they wanted. Simpler to create a single dish with all of the ingredients pre-mixed, absolutely. But they went with accessibility and inclusion.

This is what we want for our courses.

Action Item

The key isn’t what you choose for your recordings, whether it is slides, direct to camera, or some combination. It isn’t how often you plan to record your course, or even the resolution of the camera you use.

It IS about getting your course recorded so that your students can learn. So today, right now, I want you to commit to two different things. First up, commit to making a decision on the style of recordings you’ll have in your course. Write that decision down, snap a pic, and send me a DM at DigitalCourseCreatorGuide. Let me see that you have make Decision 1.

Then, commit to making your course recordings accessible. Even if you aren’t sure what all that entails, commit to making sure every student will be able to access and consume your course if they choose to do so. And send me a second DM with the word accessible to let me know that you are committing to an accessible experience for your students.

And the bonus here is that when you send me those DMs I’ll send you the new checklist that I’ve created on accessibility for your course.

Now, as promised, let’s talk tech.

Sixty-Second Solution

Recording your digital course can feel daunting, especially because it inherently involves tech. Tech is one of the single biggest stumbling blocks that stands between course creators and their finished course that is bringing in revenue.

Let’s simplify things today.

You don’t need anything special to record your course. You can use your computer’s camera and mic or you can use your cell phone. You don’t need any special programs. You can record with Zoom, OBS, Quicktime, Loom, Canva, or any other program that you are already using.

And you don’t need to create amazingly edited videos. Smile, hit record, breathe, and then start talking. You don’t need a fancy intro, graphics that dance around, or amazing music to get the energy flowing. Show up as yourself, with your knowledge and wisdom and share it.

That’s it. Don’t over complicate your tech setup when you are recording your course. It is more important that the course is recorded than the course be recorded with fancy features.

Where to Go Next?

If you are ready to think more about getting your course finished and out the door, I encourage you to check out Episode 192 on perfectionism and how it can hold you back and Episode 189 covering 5 actions that create success as a digital course creator.

Until next time, happy creating!

Please Note: Dr. Moira was a Certified StoryBrand Guide from May 15, 2022 until July 15, 2024. Any episodes mentioning StoryBrand were recorded during a time when she was certified as a Guide. If you would like to be connected with an active StoryBrand Guide, feel free to reach out as she still maintains contacts within the Guide community.

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