
#53: Uniquely Yours: Create Your Own Path

Welcome to a new episode of the Coaching Hive Podcast.  Today we begin a four-part series on creating a business that is Uniquely Yours.  As we prepare to jump into this topic, I’d like to share with you an idea that is critical to remember if you want to build a successful coaching business that you love.  When building your coaching business, focus on your path first and foremost.

With our theme of simplicity, clarity, and vision for 2022 in mind, lets jump in.


The real question here is how do you build a business that you love day after day, month after month, and year after year?

This concept of building a coaching business by focusing on your path first and foremost sounds good, right?  But how many of us do that?  It is easy to get caught up in the stories of other coaches, the processes they followed, the templates they used, and even the exact path they took to success.  After all, if they followed the path to success, can’t you do the same?

But what if you follow that path and meet success along the way only to discover that this path you are on, doesn’t fulfill you, it doesn’t meet your needs, or leave you excited to wake up each morning and work inside YOUR coaching business?

On the outside you have a successful coaching business with clients, a filled calendar, and reliable income coming in.  That isn’t the problem.  It is the stuff inside.  You are working inside a coaching business that doesn’t have you excited to learn more to better serve your clients and so you stop growing as a coach.  You might even come to resent the clients and not be able to serve them to your best ability.  Take this a level deeper and what happens when you are not fulfilled in your business?  

The client whom you are guiding on their health and wellness journey isn’t seeing the results they desire because the coach guide isn’t a fully present guide.

Most people rely on following in the footsteps of others without realizing that those footsteps might not help you build the business that you love day after day, month after month, and year after year.

In fact you might find that you have veered completed off what was to have been YOUR path as a coach.

This leaves you regretting your career, feeling burned out, and maybe even guiding clients down paths that are not right for them.  Your coaching career can become part of the health problem instead of the solution and that is certainly not what you want.  After all, you likely became a health coach because you wanted to help others achieve their health and wellness goals.

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You might be imagining this bleak picture right now.  You are trudging to your office, whether virtual, at home, or somewhere in your town and you feel the weight on your back of working inside a business that doesn’t bring joy, set your mind free to learn and grow, or bring a lightness to your step.

We have all seen people approach their work this way and you may have even felt this in the past, but that doesn’t mean this always has to be the case.  Most recently I have seen a monumental shift in several coaches who chose to make a shift and create their own path forward.  With guidance, gumption, and enthusiasm they are learning from others, but sticking to their path.  

That is the critical component.  They are sticking to THEIR path.  Not someone else’s path.  But how do you do that?  How do you stay true to your own path in the day of social media where everyone else seems to have it figured out and present a specific process, template, or set of guidelines to follow?

I’ll let you in on a secret.  Look at them, but then remind yourself that only you know what is right for your business.  It is good to learn and grow, but there is always more than one way to build your coaching business.  

If you are ready to stick to your path and make some progress, I’ll share three steps you can take to move yourself forward.

Step 1 – Create the vision for your business.  As I shared inside the Coaching Hive Mindful Vision Course, there are 8 core components that you want to dig into here.  You want to think about your personal and business values, take time to dream big for your business, identify your client base and the design of your business.  Then you want to explore the support you have, how you will pursue professional development, self-care and financial freedom with purpose.  By starting with YOUR Mindful Vision firmly in place, your path is much easier to see and stick to.

Step 2 – Look around at how mentors have built their business, what steps they have taken, but then be sure to compare all new information back to your Mindful Vision.  If the two don’t jive take a careful look at the information to decide if it really belongs in your business or if it is just “nice to know” information.

Step 3 – Take time to reflect each step of the way as you build your coaching business.  When building the Coaching Hive, we took missteps as all businesses do from time to time.  Those missteps actually helped us to learn more about how to move forward with intention and ease.  It clarified what we wanted and how to simplify processes.  You can learn so much from those perceived missteps that they really aren’t missteps at all.  They help you clear your path so that you can move forward into building a business that you love day after day, month after month, and year after year.  

These three steps will help you to build your coaching business by staying focused on your path first and foremost.  If you are ready to build the coaching business that you are excited for, get started on Step 1 right now with the Coaching Hive Mindful Vision Course.  This is an on-demand course that will outline the 8 core components of your coaching vision so that you can start building your path right now.  

Once you build that Mindful Vision you are one your way to building and growing a business that you want to cultivate day after day, month after month, and year after year.  You are helping more people live a healthy life.


Are you beginning to see the possibilities of walking your own path?  Building a coaching business that excites you will naturally lead to more success because your enthusiasm, creativity, and commitment will be amplified.  It is akin to a kid, or if you’re like me, walking into a bakery and seeing them light up at the possibilities.  That favored chocolate cake, éclair, cannoli, or simple chocolate chip cookie make you smile.  Imagine that same feeling as you walk into your coaching business each day. You will notice a difference, your friends, family, and colleagues will notice a difference, and your clients will notice your excitement for walking alongside them as their guide.

I hope that you are looking forward to these next steps as you create a business that follows your path instead of someone else’s path.  This doesn’t mean smooth sailing, but the result is much more fulfilling.  If you are ready to build your Mindful Vision with the Coaching Hive go to www.Coachinghive.com/MindfulVision to step onto your path today.

Next week, we will continue to discuss building a coaching business that is uniquely yours by discussing the concept of contentment and making a purposeful plan for building contentment into your business so that you generate longevity as a coach.

Tip for the Week

To help you stay on track this week lets end with a simple task to keep you focused.  

Begin to craft your Mindful Vision with all 8 core components. As a reminder, here they are again: business and personal values, your dream, client base and business design, support system, professional development, self-care plan, and overview of financial freedom.

If you want guidance along the way, remember that I will sit down with you in the Coaching Hive Mindful Vision on-demand course to help you see the way to the coaching path that is uniquely yours.

Once you complete your Mindful Vision, I’d love for you to share it on social media and tag me @coachinghive on Instagram and @coachinghivelife on Facebook.  And remember, if you found this episode helpful, be sure to subscribe and share the podcast with a friend.

I look forward to seeing you back here next week for another episode of the Coaching Hive Podcast where a focus on mentoring and community removes the overwhelm of building your successful coaching business and adds in a dose of momentum.

Until next time, have a healthy, safe, and happy week!

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