
#190: Why You Don’t Need a Virtual Assistant

Among the very first bits of advice you get as a digital course creator, or really as a digital entrepreneur, is to hire a virtual assistant before you think you need one. But hiring a Virtual Assistant, or VA, costs money and at the beginning or middle of your journey that might feel like a luxury instead of a necessity.

There are books telling you to Buy Back Your Time, how to hire a VA, and even what tasks you should be outsourcing, but let’s face it. That doesn’t work for everyone.

Today I’m going to share with you 5 ways to put off hiring a VA and they are all free! Now, you can go ahead and hire a VA, but I encourage you to consider these ideas first because they are certainly easier on your budget and don’t require you to interview anyone!

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#189: 5 Actions That Create Success as a Digital Course Creator

Creating success as a course creator is tricky, but it is easier when we borrow other’s blueprint and successes. There is absolutely no reason you should have to create the wheel all by yourself. Being a success in business isn’t about being a one person island, it is about creating shortcuts by learning from what others do.

Now, you can do it yourself without anyone else’s help, but that would be like trying to climb Mt. Everest without a guide. Slow and likely unsuccessful.

Today I’m going to share with you the 5 things that made the biggest difference in my business so that you can steal them and shortcut your time to success and be sure to stick around to the end because I’m going to share with you how to amplify Action 4 so that it does not become a business liability.

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#187: From Uncertain Course Creator to Becoming a Six Figure Digital Course Creator

You want to have a digital course in your business, but right now you are feeling uncertain whether this is even doable. Maybe you’ve taken courses in the past on how to create a course and felt even more confused and overwhelmed.

Becoming a six figure course creator relies on four key components so that you can finish your course, get sales, have a steady income that leads to six figures and even have time off without business crowding your time and thoughts.

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#170: Planning for 2024 in Business

Planning for your business in 2024 isn’t as simple as setting a few goals and then moving forward. You need to make sure that in your planning you are taking into account your previous year, the goals that will move you toward your business vision, the strengths that you’ll use and the challenges that you need to plan around.

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#169: Reflect on Your Year as an Entrepreneur

Tired of being told that you need to have all of 2024 figured out before we even hit January? Does it make you feel frustrated, confused, and overwhelmed? What if I told you that a practice of reflection can ease the planning process? In this episode, I’ll walk you through a reflection practice that I use each year in my business.

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#168 Entrepreneur: Being consistent isn’t working

Using the wrong definition of consistency as an entrepreneur can keep you stuck and your growth nonexistent. The key is to shift your perspective in how you view consistency. In this episode we cover three core ideas around consistency and none of them have to do with a number!

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