
#204: Does Weekly Content Really Build Demand for your Course?

The best way to build demand for your online course is with weekly content, or is it?
So often we are told that we need to build an audience so that when we launch a course, there will be eager buyers ready with their credit cards. To build an audience the direction often given is to create weekly content.
Why then, after creating and sharing weekly content for months and even years do course creators not have an audience primed for buying when they launch their course. It’s frustrating to spend hours each week crafting new and original content only for it to fall flat and get hidden in a crowded inbox or busy social media scroll faster than you can snap your fingers.
How are we supposed to build that audience when the advice doesn’t seem to work?
Today I’m going to walk you through why weekly content doesn’t build demand for your audience and what it actually does for you and your business.
With this simple shift you’ll finally start to see your weekly content gaining traction.

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