Results for Tag: Productivity
#111: Level Up with Self Reflection: Interview with Kevin Palmieri
During this interview, expert Kevin Palmieri stresses the importance of self-awareness and consistency for new entrepreneurs. He advises early entrepreneurs to explore their inner self and “unlearn” destructive beliefs that might be putting them at a disadvantage. Be sure to listen for his tips on choosing who to ask for feedback.
#110: Awareness is an Entrepreneurial Superpower
Self-awareness is a super power that every entrepreneur should cultivate. In this episode I’ll share 6 ways you can up your self-awareness superpower so that you can take your business to the next level.
#98: Increase Productivity with a Brain Dump
Do you ever feel like there is a never-ending list of entrepreneurial tasks to take care of and you worry about remembering everything? That worry kills productivity, but the solution is simple. A 15-minute brain dump can simplify everything.
#96: Getting Unstuck in Your Business
What does it mean to be stuck? For many of us, it can feel like we’re stuck in a rut. We’re not sure how to move forward or what to do next. Whatever the reason, feeling stuck can be frustrating and discouraging. But it’s important to remember that it’s not permanent.
#90: The Next Step
Focus. Execute. Deliver. Solopreneurship doesn’t have to be a messy stack of sticky notes that just grows and grows with no relief in sight.
#74: Coaching Hive Blueprint: What should I learn next?
Do you get stuck in a cycle of learning only to look up and realize that you haven’t implemented anything you’ve learned? With progress-driven learning you can get back to working your business, not just learning for your business.
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